

——山村散记  纸本设色 48×78 cm  何振华

2009—08—017  16:00
策展人:   包常艳
开幕酒会: 2009年9月4日 19:00—21:00
展览地点: 上海香江画廊,上海市徐汇区虹漕南路219号
展览时间: 2009年9月4日—10月5日

      “囘——何振华个展”将于香江画廊隆重举办 “囘”为“回”之古字,象形字,甲骨文象渊水回旋之形,本义为回旋、旋转。《说文》曰:回,转也。何振华此次展览恰以此字可诠释其寓意。

   Xiang Jiang Gallery will hold “HUI—He Zhenhua solo exhibition”,“HUI” is the ancient word of “circle round”, a pictographic word—oracle as the meaning of water eddy, originally meant for “whirl”or “circle”. In “SHUO WEN” , HUI means turning back. The works in He Zhenhua’s album can be interpreted exactly as the meaning of the word.
    Firstly, the album contains the paintings by He Zhenhua since 2004, it is the recall of his works for the last five years.
   Secondly, the paintings hold traditional feeling to express modern style, which load contemporary emotion.
Thirdly, HUI, which means circle, is the summarization of his works. It also means the paths running sinuously amidst the peaks, hoping that his paintings can reach higher peaks.
    He put modern people’s interest into primitive simplicity of Wei Dynasty, drew the beauty of “Peach Orchard” that is away from noise and forgetting troubles. The artistic conception of his  paintings is just like salty water, can be tasted but not be seen. No matter the thick ink or soft pastels, they both are suitable.